1. Expands our knowledge, especially about current events.
Rebuttal: Debates focus on certain topics alone. So instead of reading and researching different types of issues, when we debate we only concentrate on a certain issue alone. Thus, debates do not expand our knowledge, instead it hinders us from taking in other issues that for us are insignificant to the motion.
2. Improves communication skills.

3. Improves our critical thinking abilities.
Rebuttal: When we are faced with a question and we need to give the answer to the question right away we be apt to making answers that are sometimes irrelevant to the question. During debate, speakers are always faced with a problem like this, they need to answer the point given to them as soon as it was given to them. They may have the tendency to experience “word vomit” or they spill words or ideas that are out of context just to be able to show off to their opponents that they can answer the point. But that is not critical thinking, critical thinking happens when a person come up with an answer by giving time thinking about it.
4. Creates a better judgment.

5. Builds up self confidence.
Rebuttal: When we debate, it is not our self confidence that we are feeding, instead we are feeding our insecurities. Why? Perhaps the very reason is we tend to look for a problem with what our opponent said. We try to think of ways to destroy their proposal and ideas since we are to promote our side for us to come out as victorious. When we look of possibilities to overthrow their strong points, it only shows that we are insecure of their ideas which we think could destroy our side.
6. Develop our ability in convincing other people.
Rebuttal: When we convince other people to believe us we need to show tell them the truth, meaning we are to tell them the advantage and disadvantage of what we have presented to them. We don’t influence by creating lies just to persuade the person. And we do encounter some lies when we debate.
7. Enrich our skills in comparing arguments and method in presenting them.
Rebuttal: Time is the worst enemy during debates. Because there are times when the time is not enough to give all the arguments. When this occurs, the flow is ruined. And the method in presenting them is affected. We spill out the arguments that we think we should be giving without taking into consideration the method which was ruin previously. We don’t usually think of the method during we debate, we think of number of ideas and arguments which we have presented.